Category : Statements

Republicans Are Not The Party of Freedom. They Are The Party of Control

In response to the recent decision by the South Carolina Supreme Court to uphold a six-week abortion ban we urge you to give to the Palmetto State Abortion Fund, an organization dedicated to ensuring that financial barriers do not impede access to essential reproductive healthcare services. Your contributions will directly aid those affected by this […]

Columbia DSA Stands Opposed to Senate Bill 274

Columbia DSA unequivocally denounces the South Carolina legislature’s latest attempt to deprive trans people in the state of their healthcare and basic human rights. Senate Bill 274—like the repeated and failed attempts to entirely ban abortion in the state—seeks to place personal medical decisions into the hands of corrupt politicians acting in defiance of both […]

DSA Columbia’s Statement on 2022 Midterms

For months preceding the 2022 midterm elections conservative pundits predicted a red wave. With inflation at the highest rates in decades and many voters across the political spectrum frustrated with the inactivity of the federal government, on top of the historical precedent of the president’s political party losing seats in the midterms, it was hard […]

DSA Columbia’s Statement in Support of SC Starbucks Workers

Columbia DSA stands in solidarity with the workers of the Millwood, SC and Sumter, SC Starbucks in their bid to unionize under Workers United. We believe not only in the right of working people to unionize, but that it is imperative to achieving better working conditions and a living wage. We also know that Starbucks […]

Columbia DSA’s Eco-socialist Working Group’s Statement Regarding the Rise in Gas Prices in the Midlands of SC

Gas prices in the United States are rising at an alarming rate with the average price of gas in South Carolina cresting $4 a gallon this week, matching the previous highest gas prices ever recorded in September 2008. The media is attributing this rise in prices to the continuing war of invasion by Russia in […]

Columbia DSA Stands in Staunch Opposition to War in Ukraine

The Columbia chapter of Democratic Socialists of America stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine as they suffer the horrific consequences of Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion. We also stand in solidarity with the working people in Russia whose lives will be grievously affected by the actions of their oligarchic leadership. Finally, we stand […]

Columbia DSA Endorses the Capital for Cooperatives Act

With the impending mass of retiring business owners and the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to threaten small businesses, co-operatives must play a key role in the recovery of our economy. We believe that one non-partisan solution, the Capital for Cooperatives Act, is important to the health of our economy, because cooperatives have shown they are more […]

Statement in Opposition to SC Senate Bill 935

It is no secret that South Carolina’s public education system has historically been understaffed and underfunded. Even so, Republican legislators have filed multiple bills, including S.935, that would take even more funding away from our ailing public school system. S.935 would take tax dollars away from public schools in order to create Education Savings Accounts […]

Statement in Opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” Proposal

We stand in solidarity with Charleston DSA and with area parents, teachers, and activists in opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” proposal which would subject Charleston County Schools to needless experimentation and open the door to privatization under the state’s Schools of Innovation law. With a $32 million price tag, this proposal would put an unelected […]