Statement in Opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” Proposal

Statement in Opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” Proposal

We stand in solidarity with Charleston DSA and with area parents, teachers, and activists in opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” proposal which would subject Charleston County Schools to needless experimentation and open the door to privatization under the state’s Schools of Innovation law. With a $32 million price tag, this proposal would put an unelected private group, Coastal Community Foundation (CCF), in charge of 23 Charleston County schools. 

Education is a public good and a vital service. Allowing privatization of schools would subject them to the many failings of the capitalist market. To start, the proposal would staff these under-served schools with up to 25% uncertified teachers. Given the history of racism, segregation, and inequity in our schools, we need to be raising standards, not lowering them. The proposal would also further erode the already few protections and employment rights teachers have under state law, including the right to appeal their firing.

After protests, the proposal was removed from the agenda to receive community input. But on January 20th, leaked emails show CCF President and CEO Darrin Goss asking the board that it be put back on the agenda at the next meeting, before the community could fully be heard. This kind of undemocratic behavior is typical of capitalist elites who think they know what’s best for the people. They’ll use every opportunity and excuse to make a quick buck, but education is not for sale.

Columbia DSA stands ready to oppose the proposal at the lead of Charleston DSA and area parents and teachers.