Archive Month: February 2022

Columbia DSA Endorses the Capital for Cooperatives Act

With the impending mass of retiring business owners and the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to threaten small businesses, co-operatives must play a key role in the recovery of our economy. We believe that one non-partisan solution, the Capital for Cooperatives Act, is important to the health of our economy, because cooperatives have shown they are more […]

Statement in Opposition to SC Senate Bill 935

It is no secret that South Carolina’s public education system has historically been understaffed and underfunded. Even so, Republican legislators have filed multiple bills, including S.935, that would take even more funding away from our ailing public school system. S.935 would take tax dollars away from public schools in order to create Education Savings Accounts […]

Statement in Opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” Proposal

We stand in solidarity with Charleston DSA and with area parents, teachers, and activists in opposition to the “Reimagine Schools” proposal which would subject Charleston County Schools to needless experimentation and open the door to privatization under the state’s Schools of Innovation law. With a $32 million price tag, this proposal would put an unelected […]

Statement Regarding PSAF/Abortion Rights

Under capitalism, the forces of concentrated wealth inevitably erode democratic institutions to the point of oligarchy and tyranny. Such is the case today in America where, despite a consistent majority of Americans who support legal abortion, we stand on the brink of a total collapse of the federal protection of that freedom. This will result […]