DSA Columbia’s Statement in Support of SC Starbucks Workers

DSA Columbia’s Statement in Support of SC Starbucks Workers

Solidarity with Workers at Millwood Starbucks

Columbia DSA stands in solidarity with the workers of the Millwood, SC and Sumter, SC Starbucks in their bid to unionize under Workers United. We believe not only in the right of working people to unionize, but that it is imperative to achieving better working conditions and a living wage. We also know that Starbucks and other corporate entities will stop at nothing to prevent workers from having control over their workplace(s). To that end, Columbia DSA stands ready to provide unwavering support to these workers, and to all working people within our jurisdiction, as we collectively struggle forward towards a more dignified life.


It is with these convictions, and this understanding that Columbia DSA declares loudly to the workers at Millwood and Sumter Starbucks; we see you; we are inspired by your bravery; and we have your back in the fight to come! Union strong!